ADA price: $ 0.5836
Epoch: 542 (89%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]

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Block 6491910

A Cardano block is a collection of transactions that are grouped together and verified as a unit. It's similar to a page in a ledger. Each block contains a hash, which is a unique cryptographic code that identifies the block and its contents. Once a block is created, it's added to the blockchain, which is a public, distributed database. This process is known as block production. The creation of new blocks is carried out by staking pools, which are groups of individuals who contribute their ADA to secure the network. Blocks play a crucial role in the Cardano network by recording transactions, ensuring security, and providing a historical record.

Block Details

Size24669 bytes
Time2021-11-12 12:04:40
Block Hash\x68b4b839038f09fa32c9c090eee41ba4c6744d3fb31fc6de1d56fb551035faaa
Slot Number45152389
Epoch Slot No.51589
Block No.6491733
Slot Leader ID5278927

Block Operator

VRF Keyvrf_vk1lgcdfw2m3dnsfw8lp2kyp55rhhngd9dqlp3ku454wpk6fvdl9p6q8pz5ac
Operational Certificate\xf9cf7eeb8b6e8ed39baf7b0fe3255be2410cf7163f03497ec7ded18050db10e3
Op Cert Counter4


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