ADA price: $ 0.6314
Epoch: 543 (0%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]

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Block 6334105

A Cardano block is a collection of transactions that are grouped together and verified as a unit. It's similar to a page in a ledger. Each block contains a hash, which is a unique cryptographic code that identifies the block and its contents. Once a block is created, it's added to the blockchain, which is a public, distributed database. This process is known as block production. The creation of new blocks is carried out by staking pools, which are groups of individuals who contribute their ADA to secure the network. Blocks play a crucial role in the Cardano network by recording transactions, ensuring security, and providing a historical record.

Block Details

Size28318 bytes
Time2021-10-05 23:42:47
Block Hash\x14d3c873c13a67bcae1e9da077b08a8be71f279e1d8360212ad341c9dc141994
Slot Number41911076
Epoch Slot No.266276
Block No.6333928
Slot Leader ID6215623

Block Operator

VRF Keyvrf_vk1rne09kkjqtd0j3gh90ecc0huu3m5dsvtu2y3vdgdv64gdd8nle0s44legw
Operational Certificate\xa2e9bb176d1e465b1d2ad45db96d149b003fa7aeb20722b1397c21d72cbe6c53
Op Cert Counter2


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