ADA price: $ 0.4826
Epoch: 485 (67%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]

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id: 68942424
Hash: \x863ae72a05492354e37bccfa10ef527fa1d8b83ea86813569e46f2842ff43033
Block: 8896002
block_index: 47
deposit: 0
size: 3987
invalid_hereafter: 96990282
valid_contract: t
script_size: 0
Total Output: ₳ 7.838K
Fees: ₳ 0.390
Number of inputs: 13
Number of outputs: 13

Transaction Graph

Transaction Inputs

Id tx_in_id tx_out_id tx_out_index redeemer_id
181103089 68942424 68938959 14
181103090 68942424 68939748 9
181103091 68942424 68939748 14
181103092 68942424 68942136 0
181103093 68942424 68942029 14
181103094 68942424 68942159 0
181103095 68942424 68942159 1
181103096 68942424 68942159 6
181103097 68942424 68942159 8
181103098 68942424 68938719 7
181103099 68942424 68942118 10
181103100 68942424 68942118 18
181103101 68942424 68937888 9

Transaction Outputs

Id tx_id index payment_cred stake address data_hash inline_datum_id reference_script_id Value Out Address Script
191159668 68942424 0 \x220...b086 ₳ 2.996K addr1...5j6t (\x612...b086) Yes
191159669 68942424 1 \xc23...5453 ₳ 4.828K addr1...d8c4 (\x61c...5453) Yes
191159670 68942424 2 \x4d8...3b2b stake...q365 ₳ 3.138 addr1...w5yx (\x014...7421) Yes
191159671 68942424 3 \xe95...d039 ₳ 1.043 addr1...wyex (\x71e...d039) Yes
191159672 68942424 4 \xcb6...7dc0 ₳ 1.056 addr1...jru9 (\x71c...7dc0) Yes
191159673 68942424 5 \x4d8...b2b4 ₳ 1.052 addr1...qf3f (\x714...b2b4) Yes
191159674 68942424 6 \x503...11d8 ₳ 1.056 addr1...dtvz (\x715...11d8) Yes
191159675 68942424 7 \xbbc...e382 ₳ 1.060 addr1...xpmv (\x71b...e382) Yes
191159676 68942424 8 \xe67...403e ₳ 1.034 addr1...c5kw (\x71e...403e) Yes
191159677 68942424 9 \xb57...f4f8 ₳ 1.060 addr1...3dvr (\x71b...f4f8) Yes
191159678 68942424 10 \x4de...1677 ₳ 1.056 addr1...up2r (\x714...1677) Yes
191159679 68942424 11 \xe34...ee81 ₳ 1.056 addr1...8prf (\x71e...ee81) Yes
191159680 68942424 12 \x441...6ad5 ₳ 1.052 addr1...ccus (\x714...6ad5) Yes
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