ADA price: $ 0.4659
Epoch: 482 (89%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]
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id: 68911726
Hash: \x46e9774504414d5cb00330a1b0bf6989d4d8421581d05a7f037ac15a8cae921c
Block: 8894764
block_index: 3
deposit: 0
size: 16015
invalid_hereafter: 94380204
valid_contract: t
script_size: 0
Total Output: ₳ 86
Fees: ₳ 1.123
Number of inputs: 15
Number of outputs: 18

Transaction Graph

Transaction Inputs

Id tx_in_id tx_out_id tx_out_index redeemer_id
181016355 68911726 68324333 0
181016356 68911726 68911162 11
181016357 68911726 68911162 12
181016358 68911726 68911162 13
181016359 68911726 68907925 0
181016360 68911726 68910237 6
181016361 68911726 68908031 6
181016362 68911726 68633093 0
181016363 68911726 68671559 14
181016364 68911726 68624865 16
181016365 68911726 68653476 0
181016366 68911726 68771004 17
181016367 68911726 68627256 0
181016368 68911726 68447482 0
181016369 68911726 68909013 7

Transaction Outputs

Id tx_id index payment_cred stake address data_hash inline_datum_id reference_script_id Value Out Address Script
191071160 68911726 0 \xfd9...a394 stake...adns ₳ 1.814 addr1...jlaw (\x01f...f773) Yes
191071161 68911726 1 \xbaa...4e66 stake...fcag ₳ 8.233 addr1...5dxv (\x01b...1034) Yes
191071162 68911726 2 \xcd2...fe8b stake...8s6q ₳ 2.580 addr1...4rxa (\x01c...1b34) Yes
191071163 68911726 3 \xd5e...7e5a stake...nqp8 ₳ 1.814 addr1...nwxk (\x01d...186d) Yes
191071164 68911726 4 \xc3d...70b3 stake...cjjt ₳ 2.934 addr1...p54q (\x01c...80b0) Yes
191071165 68911726 5 \xfc6...20ba stake...h7wy ₳ 1.814 addr1...z7p3 (\x01f...44d7) Yes
191071166 68911726 6 \x752...d5e6 stake...ppt0 ₳ 1.814 addr1...2260 (\x017...6e2f) Yes
191071167 68911726 7 \xd54...cb40 stake...4hz6 ₳ 1.814 addr1...nmza (\x01d...0aaf) Yes
191071168 68911726 8 \x64c...3a9c stake...4uum ₳ 1.685 addr1...vpap (\x016...4bc7) Yes
191071169 68911726 9 \xdc3...fea5 stake...4uum ₳ 1.685 addr1...ylkh (\x01d...4bc7) Yes
191071170 68911726 10 \xa73...b5d2 stake...4uum ₳ 1.685 addr1...wenl (\x01a...4bc7) Yes
191071171 68911726 11 \xcfb...1b0b stake...4uum ₳ 1.685 addr1...6ljx (\x01c...4bc7) Yes
191071172 68911726 12 \xdbd...d4fa stake...4uum ₳ 1.685 addr1...ay6h (\x01d...4bc7) Yes
191071173 68911726 13 \x072...44a5 stake...4uum ₳ 2.888 addr1...h207 (\x010...4bc7) Yes
191071174 68911726 14 \x26f...2998 stake...4uum ₳ 3.034 addr1...w0sn (\x012...4bc7) Yes
191071175 68911726 15 \xbee...ea61 stake...4uum ₳ 22 addr1...5xzw (\x01b...4bc7) Yes
191071176 68911726 16 \xa66...c398 stake...4uum ₳ 14 addr1...9v62 (\x01a...4bc7) Yes
191071177 68911726 17 \x2e9...9109 stake...4uum ₳ 13 addr1...8sx5 (\x012...4bc7) Yes
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