ADA price: $ 0.4411
Epoch: 482 (27%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]
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id: 68911657
Hash: \x2ec0a7292d802251c91e850b2f7e8eaaf3dbac80be549af36f3bceacb8a50f86
Block: 8894762
block_index: 3
deposit: 0
size: 9549
invalid_hereafter: 94373935
valid_contract: t
script_size: 8042
Total Output: ₳ 2.019M
Fees: ₳ 0.818
Number of inputs: 4
Number of outputs: 4

Transaction Graph

Transaction Inputs

Id tx_in_id tx_out_id tx_out_index redeemer_id
181016153 68911657 68911617 0 16013563
181016154 68911657 68910983 1
181016155 68911657 68911042 0
181016156 68911657 68911574 3 16013564

Transaction Outputs

Id tx_id index payment_cred stake address data_hash inline_datum_id reference_script_id Value Out Address Script
191070958 68911657 0 \x2eb...1d7d stake...nkzz ₳ 1.088K addr1...xtdy (\x012...b9c2) Yes
191070959 68911657 1 \x2eb...1d7d stake...nkzz ₳ 1.379 addr1...xtdy (\x012...b9c2) Yes
191070960 68911657 2 \x09b...a9d8 stake...75d4 ₳ 2.000 addr1...r4rq (\x010...541b) Yes
191070961 68911657 3 \xe13...3309 stake...nkzz \xa0f...d0dc ₳ 2.018M addr1...msha (\x11e...b9c2) Yes
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