ADA price: $ 0.4921
Epoch: 486 (44%)
Our Pool: [CRYL]

Ad: Play and mine crypto


id: 68216484
Hash: \xfcb1c0d8b1aa88dc524d83d5b905eaec26e3a3cc6ed3d821812a5a05f1eefb3f
Block: 8864639
block_index: 1
deposit: 0
size: 5715
invalid_hereafter: 93760154
valid_contract: t
script_size: 0
Total Output: ₳ 175
Fees: ₳ 0.407
Number of inputs: 2
Number of outputs: 7

Transaction Graph

Transaction Inputs

Id tx_in_id tx_out_id tx_out_index redeemer_id
178896805 68216484 67946726 2
178896806 68216484 67533406 1

Transaction Outputs

Id tx_id index payment_cred stake address data_hash inline_datum_id reference_script_id Value Out Address Script
188913671 68216484 0 \x906...38ad stake...49h6 \x31f...2202 ₳ 8.000 addr1...5plm (\x119...806d) Yes
188913672 68216484 1 \x906...38ad stake...49h6 \x31f...2202 ₳ 8.000 addr1...5plm (\x119...806d) Yes
188913673 68216484 2 \x906...38ad stake...49h6 \x31f...2202 ₳ 8.000 addr1...5plm (\x119...806d) Yes
188913674 68216484 3 \x906...38ad stake...49h6 \x31f...2202 ₳ 8.000 addr1...5plm (\x119...806d) Yes
188913675 68216484 4 \x906...38ad stake...49h6 \x31f...2202 ₳ 8.000 addr1...5plm (\x119...806d) Yes
188913676 68216484 5 \xfb7...3083 stake...p9uz ₳ 2.582 addr1...j7uv (\x01f...2bbc) Yes
188913677 68216484 6 \xfb7...3083 stake...p9uz ₳ 132 addr1...j7uv (\x01f...2bbc) Yes

Ad: Play and mine crypto